Twenty-year-old soprano Jennifer Robinson, a native of Florida, is currently studying voice at the prestigious Manhattan School of Music. A resident of New York City since the fall of 2021, she has blossomed as a young professional. Working with renowned conductors Kent Tritle on Mozart’s Requiem and Fauré’s Requiem, Thomas Muraco on select scenes from Verdi’s Rigoletto, and George Manahan on Holst’s ethereal The Planets, she has taken every opportunity to learn and grow as a young artist. Last Spring, she excitedly signed her first professional contract with Ars Musica Chorale, based in Ridgewood, New Jersey, as their concert season's Encore Young Artist soprano soloist.
She was thrilled to sing Mozart’s Requiem again and is looking forward to expanding her repertoire with G.F. Handel's Messiah and a Brahms literature concert in May. She recently joined pianist and friend Barbara Podgurski and Tenor Evan Katsefasfor for an evening of song as a part of the Música Reginae season in Queens, New York. As she tackles the current conservatory semester, she can’t wait to expand her repertoire and further develop her musicianship and artistic abilities.