Watch Ars Musica Chorale


Press Clippings

2021_08_20_The RIdgewood News_Ars Musica Chorale returns with new season, seeks singers.jpg
2021_07_09_The Ridgewood News Ars Musica Chorale performs at Kasschau Memorial Shell.jpg
2020_12_25_The Ridgewood News_Ars Musica Chorale presents a virtual holiday concert.jpg
2020_02_14_The Ridgewood News Ars Musica Chorale presents Hariu l Adonai Mendelssohn and more.jpg
2019_12_27_The Ridgewood News Chorale performas Ars Musica Holiday.jpg
2019_11_08_The Ridgewood News_Music director makes debut performance.jpg
2019_10_11_The Ridgewood News_Ars Musica Chorale begins 54th season on Oct. 26.jpg
2019_08_30_The Ridgewood News_Ars Musica Chorale to begin 55th season with new music director.jpg
2019_July 5_The Ridgewood News_Ars Musica Chorale holds first summer sing.jpg
2019_06_07_The Ridgewood News.jpg
2018_11_30_The Ridgewood News.jpg


Press Clippings

2021_08_20_The RIdgewood News_Ars Musica Chorale returns with new season, seeks singers.jpg
2021_07_09_The Ridgewood News Ars Musica Chorale performs at Kasschau Memorial Shell.jpg
2020_12_25_The Ridgewood News_Ars Musica Chorale presents a virtual holiday concert.jpg
2020_02_14_The Ridgewood News Ars Musica Chorale presents Hariu l Adonai Mendelssohn and more.jpg
2019_12_27_The Ridgewood News Chorale performas Ars Musica Holiday.jpg
2019_11_08_The Ridgewood News_Music director makes debut performance.jpg
2019_10_11_The Ridgewood News_Ars Musica Chorale begins 54th season on Oct. 26.jpg
2019_08_30_The Ridgewood News_Ars Musica Chorale to begin 55th season with new music director.jpg
2019_July 5_The Ridgewood News_Ars Musica Chorale holds first summer sing.jpg
2019_06_07_The Ridgewood News.jpg
2018_11_30_The Ridgewood News.jpg